Fluid Oz Bar, Melbourne International Backpackers until April 2, 2012
Reviewed by Joe Calleri, Published in Herald Sun on line on April 05, 2012
Stars: ½
Comed-Oke' The Backpacker Show left a lot to be desired.
HERE'S a word picture of my evening out last night: Tuesday night, six below-average comedians, an MC from St Albans, a bar in a backpackers hostel in Franklin St (complete with old, sticky carpet), pool-playing patrons, a dozen or so less than impressed audience members, and television screens showing Test cricket from the West Indies and a rugby league game.
This is Comed-Oke'. Pub comedy at its rawest. A mixed bag of first time, and supposedly established, male and female comics, performing mercifully brief five to 10-minute stand-up routines, doing their level best to crack a laugh, or even a smile from the tiny crowd. Most of the time, however, the jokes are rude, crude and flatter than pancakes.
The show earns half a star for the sheer bravado needed for anyone to get up on stage and perform, and because my wife used to be a stand up comedienne!
Stars: ½
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